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Camp Olden Civil War Round Table
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Meeting ID 515 791 0634 Passcode: 763441

February 6th, 2025
7:00 PM

General Meeting - ZOOM

Speaker: David Walter "America's Obscure Presidents: 1837-1861"

If you would like info on this ZOOM presentation please contact kdaly14@aol.com.

March 6th, 2025
7:00 PM

General Meeting - Live at The Hamilton Twp Library. Lower level.

Speaker: Doug Mount

Doug will be talking about the US Revenue Marine Service in the Civil War. (Coast Guard).

Doug served in the US Coast Guard for 20 years and have been reenacting for 30 years.

Doug is a member of the 14th NJ Regiment, Company H reenacting group and been portraying a Senior Petty Officer for the past 20.

April 3rd, 2025
7:00 PM

General Meeting - Live at The Hamilton Twp Library. Lower level.

Speaker: Michael Wunch

Michael's presentation is titled 'Andrew Johnson's Swing Around the Circle, August - September, 1866', the talk includes an overview of the 'Union Party' Johnson administrations' post-Civil War Reconstruction policy in relation to the Northern States, and that of the former Confederacy, and the fierce opposition to Johnsons' 'policy' from elements of the 'Radical' Congress, politicians, and the press, Johnson's train tour, the stated purpose of which was to attend the dedication of the Stephen Douglas Monument, in Chicago, Illinois, however, the 'Campaign Swing' quickly took on a different form, one that Andrew Johnson, historians contend, never recovered from politically.

The presentation includes eyewitness and newspaper accounts of this controversial and contentious 'campaign undertaking', between August 27 and September 15, 1866, an arduous trip that stretched from "Washington, D.C. to New York, including Philadelphia, west to Chicago, south to St. Louis, and east through the Ohio River valley and back to the nation's capital.", as President Johnson tried to gain support for his mild Reconstruction policies and his preferred candidates in the forthcoming midterm Congressional elections.

Born in Brooklyn, NY, Michael Wunsch has been a resident of Northeast Philadelphia since 1966, having graduated from Northeast High School, and La Salle College (1980, B.S. Business Administration), he currently lives in Fox Chase, Philadelphia.

Michael has been speaking publicly on topics related to Abraham Lincoln, Civil War politics, and Philadelphia Civil War history since 2002, in addition to 'The Honorable John Paul Verree, A Fox Chase Life, 1817-1889, currently his presentations include 'The National Union Party Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, June 6-7, 1864, 'Abraham Lincoln & the Great Central Sanitary Fair, Philadelphia, June 16, 1864', 'City of Jubilee, Philadelphia and the Surrender of Robert E. Lee', and 'Mob Scene at the Palmetto Flag, A Secessionist Newspaper, Philadelphia, April 13, 1861'.

He is a member of the Delaware Valley CWRT, the GAR Civil War Museum & Library, and the Lincoln Forum, and currently serves (Since 1998) as Corresponding Secretary of the General Meade Society of Philadelphia, an educational 501c3 organization devoted to Major General George Meade's memory and service to the nation. www.generalmeadesociety.org

Michael has presented locally at the GAR Museum & Library, in Frankford, the Union League of Philadelphia, the Delaware Valley CWRT, also at the Ryerss Museum & Library, and the Northeast Regional Library, as well as Civil War Round Tables in Gettysburg and York, PA, Cape May Court House, Camden, and Hamilton, NJ, and Wilmington, DE, and others.

May 1st, 2025
7:00 PM

General Meeting - Live at The Hamilton Twp Library. Lower level.

Speaker: Dana Mount

Dana will be doing a presentation on Dogs and mascots from the Civil War.

Dana has been reenacting for almost 30 years as she joined her father Doug and the 14th NJ, Company H, as a young child.

More information will be posted on Dana's program.

June 5th, 2025
7:00 PM

General Meeting - Live at The Hamilton Twp Library. Lower level.

Speaker: TBA

If you know someone who would like to share their Civil War interest with Camp Olden please contact kdaly14@aol.com.